Latest Episodes

Aging Hungry
It is often stated that Ohio is an aging state. But what does that mean? And how do we create communities that support all...

Food is Symbolic of Love When Words Are Inadequate
Michael Knote of Have A Gay Day joined Just a Bite host, Sarah, to talk about the great work Have A Gay Day is...

Ohioans on SNAP Share Their Stories
SNAP recipients had been receiving extra COVID SNAP benefits for 3 years to weather the economic impacts of the pandemic. It had been a...

How Our State-Funded Food Programs Boost the Economy
The primary benefit from making sure that every person has the wholesome food they need is that fewer people suffer the indignity and harm...

Thriving Ohio Families through Tax Policy
Will Petrik of Policy Matters Ohio comes on the podcast to talk about the recent threats to the economic security and stability of Ohioans...

Hunger Free Schools in Ohio are Within Reach
Katherine Ungar, Senior Policy Associate at Children’s Defense Fund Ohio, joins the podcast to talk about the Hunger Free Schools Ohio coalition. Sarah and...