Latest Episodes

Direct from D.C. to your ears ✈️
Joree recaps some of anti-hunger priorities for the final spending package during the lame duck period of the 117th U.S. Congress after her trip...

Health coverage experts now entering the chat!
OAF’s Zach Reat, Josh Newland of Valley View Health Centers, Community Action Committee of Pike County, and Julie Grasson of Toledo/Lucas County CareNet join...

The Importance of Voting, with the Ohio League of Women Voters
Sarah sits down with Jen Miller, executive director of Ohio League of Women Voters, to talk about the upcoming election, how to make a...

A briefing from Ohio's foodbank leaders
With a diverse group of foodbank directors, Joree discusses the situation that our foodbank network is facing. They discuss the striking increase in need,...

So, why Hunger Action Month?
September is Hunger Action Month – a month to drive awareness about and encourage supporters to take action against hunger. But why do we...

Is food part of the financial aid package for students?
Classes are back in session, and we are kicking off fall semester with a discussion with the Food Research & Action Center’s SNAP Deputy...